Guide on how to replace DLL scripts with scripts from project

  • backup project

  • grab scripts from this repository:, and copy them to Editor folder

  • make sure that asset serialization mode is set to text (restart Unity after you change it)

  • open window (from menu: Window => MetaFileUtils), click “Refresh list of dlls”, select your DLL, and save DLL script ids to file

  • close Unity

  • copy script files to project

  • start Unity (it will generate meta files for scripts)

  • You may now see some compilation errors. That could be because some types/method calls are ambigious. Now exclude DLL from compilation (select your DLL in project view, check “Editor” under “Exclude platforms” in inspector, and click Apply ).

  • now the project should compile fine, and “Assembly-CSharp” DLL should be created which holds all added scripts

  • open window, click “Choose source xml file with script ids”, and select previously saved script ids file

  • check or uncheck “Test only” depending on if you only want to test it or not

  • replace script ids by clicking “Replace”

  • Now the scripts should be replaced. Restart Unity so that it reloads all modified assets. Now you can delete your DLL from project.


  • if your DLL project required preprocessor defines, you need to add them to Unity project
Written on October 21, 2018